An Astounding Collection of Rare Pictures From WWII

Published on 11/02/2020

Life Without Shelter

For millions of Japanese people, life changed when bombs fell. Over 330 000 people died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where atomic bombs were used in order to give their opponents the upper hand.

Life Without Shelter

Life Without Shelter

After the war, civilians continued to struggle to get by, with many living in squalor and without proper shelter. As pictured above, many tried to start a new life with the resources they could get their hands on. Naturally, this was easier said than done, and the people suffered tremendously.


The Fuhrer’s Hideout

Hitler was a man who appreciated the finer things in life, and he loved anything related to art and architecture. Some historians suggest that this was an unpursued passion he had before he opted for a life of politics. His carefully designed retreat house (seen below) was one of the places he used as an official headquarters during WWII.

The Fuhrers Hideout

The Fuhrers Hideout

Unfortunately for him, American bombers destroyed the entire estate in 1945. It was eventually demolished by the Bavarian government in the early 1950’s. The photo gives a sense of what it was like, but the pure scale and size could only be appreciated on the ground.