Life on the Run: The Iconic Story of Bonnie and Clyde

Published on 09/15/2020

Jail Couldn’t Separate Them

For rational thinkers, a jail cell may be a deterrent and might lead to the end of a relationship. This wasn’t the case for Bonnie, who was determined to be with Clyde. She even went as far as to smuggle a gun into jail for him.
The gun helped Clyde and a few of his friends escape the jail, but it wasn’t long before he was caught and it was back to square one. He was sent to Eastham State Farm and sentenced to 14 years of hard labor.

Jail Couldnt Separate Them

Jail Couldnt Separate Them


Clyde’s Family History

Clyde was one of seven children, and if anything, being sent to Eastham reminded him that he was raised on a farm run by his parents. Strapped for resources, the family might not have had a lot of money, but they remained close to each other in spite of this.
A drought would lead to Clyde’s family being forced to abandon the farm altogether, moving to Dallas in Texas to start a new life. This would be the first of many big changes across his life.

Clydes Family History

Clydes Family History